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Clarity . Love . Discovery . Creation . Abundance


About Sareeta

I am an experimenter who opens doors for people on the path of transformation so they can unfold their Beings with more meaningful connection and clarity.

I am an explorer of my inner world who enjoys the process of discovery through my outer worldly encounters with people, places, cultures and food. My two young children have shown me that life can be different to how I thought it should be and I don’t have to follow ‘the plan’. Carving out a new path is scary because I have never done it this way before and this means I am making it up as I go. Yes, I am making it up as I go and I do not have the answers. I see my life as an unfolding where each step brings something different, a new opportunity to know more about myself and how I am showing up in the world to connect with the people around me.

I see and appreciate the beauty in simplicity. The process of simplifying my life has brought in more clarity and space for connection.


I want a village where women and men are committed to each other with clarity, love and connection allowing a different culture of childhood to emerge so children can be in their own process of discovery and exploration.

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Rage Club

A series of sessions to create a new relationship with your anger

Your anger is a part of you, it is your life force. It wants to be acknowledged and seen. There is valuable information in this fierce emotion.

The real question is how can you tap into that and use your anger to create the life you want?

Family Rage

Family group sessions for adults and children together.

Family life is a daily cocktail of emotions. Our children feel loudly and authentically. However, over time, they learn to put a numbness bar on themselves.


Change starts with you, and perhaps you're already doing emotional work, but what's next? How could you do it with your children? How do you give more space for anger in your family reality?

Heart Craft

A family workshop for connection, discovery and creation.

We are caretakers of Gaia and we cannot take care of something we are disconnected from. Allowing ourselves space to simply be with nature, nurtures a relationship of love which will ignite our care for and commitment to the earth.

Archetypal Adventures

Family days out


We visit sacred sites, ancient woodlands and places of natural beauty to reconnect with the awe and wonder of being alive using all our senses to experience what is around us.


Heart Walk

Monthly family walks in nature

As you walk in nature, all parts of your being are activated and how often do you slow down enough to notice it?



Emotional Healing Process

One to one sessions to authentically feel and heal.

Reconnect with your heart and venture into the unknown as you let it speak.



Rice and Beans

An open and ongoing experimental living space to discover what a new culture for children can be.

Messy Spaces

Regular online meetings for parents to be in and share 'the mess' together.


Contact Me

Sareeta Pattni



WhatsApp/Telegram: +44(0)7932079078

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