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Rage Club
Rage Club

Your unconscious anger is destroying the connection between you and the people you love, it is a barrier between you and your children, partner, parents. Even your closest friends do not really know about this inner war you are fighting. A small thing creates a huge eruption which you have no control over. You know this is not you and you do not know how to be any different. Yoga, meditation, clearing your energy is not working anymore and you blame yourself because everyone else seems to have it all together, you cannot supress your anger from surfacing and causing harm. You are caught in a vicious cycle, the more your beat yourself up, the angrier you become.

Your anger is a part of you, it is your life force. It wants to be acknowledged and seen. There is valuable information in this fierce emotion. The real question is how can you tap into that and use your anger to create the life you want?

It starts with building a different relationship with your conscious anger because it is the path to:

  • expressing yourself

  • setting clear boundaries so you can have the relationships you want with the people you love

  • know when you want to say yes and no

  • communicating with clarity

  • discovering what you really care about

  • finding your purpose

  • knowing what you want


Click here for details of the next online Rage Club - 'Raging Mothers'  starting 9th July

Family Rage
Family Rage

Family life is a daily cocktail of emotions. It's intense, chaotic, vibrant. Our children feel loudly and authentically. No one needs to teach them that - they're born with it. However, over time, they learn that modern culture expects them to put a high level numbness bar on themselves. They mainly learn this by observing us, adults, and taking for granted how we navigate our own emotions. Change starts with you, and perhaps you're already doing emotional work, but what's next? How could you do it with your children? How do you give more space for anger in your family reality?

We are creating a space where both adults and children can observe each other in their anger. We'll befriend it like a wild animal that has had to hide under the bed until now. During Family Rage, this little animal will finally be able to show itself and speak clearly about what it has to say. Because really, anger in the family isn't a problem to solve, but an energy that takes care of us all and creates a space of love.

Together we will:


  • see what our anger looks like, how to feel it, and begin to befriend it,

  • embody an angry mother bear defending what's important to her,

  • practice saying NO and STOP

  • learn to use the Anger Volcano,

  • inflate the Anger Balloon and see what happens to it when we don't talk about what annoys us

Heart Craft
Heart Craft

A family workshop for connection, discovery and creation.

We are caretakers of Gaia and we cannot take care of something we are disconnected from. Allowing ourselves space to simply be with nature, nurtures a relationship of love which will ignite our care for and commitment to the earth.

We are creating a space where children and adults unfold their own knowledge from within, through experiments and exploration of different resources that Gaia offers us.

In these workshops we explore and discover our four primary feelings; sadness, anger, fear and joy, to deepen the connection with ourselves, nature and each other. As we navigate our hearts, we turn on our ability to experience the world with our senses. Being more aware of our senses brings more clarity about our four bodies; physical, mental, emotional and energetic, and how we use them. We use all of our bodies to create as a way to connect with Gaia.

Archetypal Adventures
Archetypal Adventures

Family days out visiting sacred sites, ancient woodlands and places of natural beauty to reconnect with the awe and wonder of being alive using all our senses to experience what is around us. Together we deepen connection with ourselves, the earth and each other through discovery and exploration. There is space for creation, ceremony and sharing during our time together.

Heart walk
Heart Walk

As you walk in nature, all parts of your being are activated and how often do you slow down enough to notice it? During this monthly discovery walk we explore and observe using our senses and feelings to delve deeper into connecting with ourselves, Gaia and each other.

Heart Walk is a family event for adults and children of all ages, contact me for more details.

Emotional Healing Process
Emotional Healing Process

You were never taught to feel, you have big emotions surfacing and you do not know what to do with them. To deal with all of this you create strategies like numbing, smiling, eating chocolate, yoga and meditation. Maybe this is not working anymore and it feels as though everything is falling apart and you are crumbling too. When you are disconnected from your heart, you are disconnected from reality and then you are unable to create what you really want.

Discovering the voice of your heart and reconnecting with yourself brings clarity, meaning and new possibilities. When your heart begins to speak, you breathe life into your Being. Everything around you is more vibrant and colourful because you are, it brings the magic back into your life.

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